Tagged with 'ingredients'

10 Interesting Cake Supplies [Online Here!]

10 interesting cake supplies

Flour, sugar, eggs, milk, baking powder, flavorings, some other odds and ends. Mix it together, bake it as prescribed and then ice or decorate it as is your custom. That’s what a cake really is, right?

Well, at its most basic, sure, that’s what a cake is. But each and every bakery out there owes its success to differentiation and unique processes. Bakers are as proud of their craft as any, and many of them owe their success to traditions and unique processes they have refined, perfected and kept for generations - sometimes for over a century.

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Get all Your Wedding Cake Supplies in One Place

wedding cake

Getting married has got to be one of the most anticipated and exciting times of your entire life. Since we were all young, the idea of getting married to the love of our lives has been engrained in us. You might have played dress-up when you were a kid and pretended you got married to your imaginary husband or wife. Perhaps you have participated in some weddings as the bridal or groom parties and know first hand of the energy that flows throughout a wedding venue on the big day.

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What Is Fondant?


Fondant is typically made with sugar, water, and corn syrup. For sculpting and shaping, gelatin is usually added to form a thicker and more malleable consistency. This ingredient is now more popularly used to sculpt, decorate, and cover bigger, professionally made cakes. You will typically find fondant on a cake meant for special occasions or more commonly on wedding cakes. Fondant is the preferred baking product for decorations and sculpting because it is easy to work with, easy to find, and mostly allergen-free.

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Fleischmann’s Instant Dry Yeast Vs. Fresh Yeast: A Comparison


As we explained in one of our recent blogs, there are a number of different types of yeasts. We also gave some insight into how yeast works and why it matters. This time, we’re going to take a quick look at the differences between fresh yeast and instant yeast, such as Fleischmann’s Instant Dry Yeast.

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Buy Flour in Bulk and Store It to Save Big

flour in bulk

If you make your living selling bread, cakes, pastries, or other sweet treats that are made using flour, then you have a few things to keep at the front of your mind. For one, the quality of your finished goods, and therefore your reputation, is a product of the quality of your inputs. For another, you’re going to go through a lot of flour (and other ingredients) over the course of a year. Finally, you’re probably looking for ways to cut back costs as you scale up your operation, all while keeping quality central to the success of your venture.

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A Quick Overview of Yeast


Just about everyone out there, and not just bakers and brewers, has heard of yeast, even if they weren’t sure what they were hearing. Whether you have a personal, in-depth familiarity with yeast or you have only heard of it used as a critical ingredient in baking, brewing, and more, there is a lot to this interesting “ingredient.” In this post, we’re going to learn a little bit more about yeast, with a special emphasis on Saf Instant Yeast, from LeSaffre.

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