Tagged with 'h.c. brill'

Why Brill ButterCremes, Icings, and Frostings Are Better Than Homemade

brill buttercremes, icings, and frostings

Love the donuts, drop cookies, and birthday cakes from your local bakery or supermarket?

Chances are they use Brill icing!

How do we know this?

We know this because some bakeries and supermarkets buy Brill icings from us at Stover & Company.

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Top Picks from Our Collection of Wholesale Baking Supplies

wholesale baking supplies

Professional chefs, bakers, and confectioners are always looking for the finest ingredients they can get their hands on. This is no surprise to you since you are already here at Stover & Company looking, but sometimes the question is a matter of price, sometimes a matter of quality, sometimes a matter of brand; and sometimes, a mix.

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